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Prosecutor Says Video Proves Nixzaliz Santiago Became Hysterical Only For Emergency Phone Call
BROOKLYN (CBS) ― The trial of Nixzaliz Santiago, Nixzmary Brown's mother, is nearing an end. The little girl's horrible death shook up New York City's child welfare agency.
On Monday, the district attorney let jurors see and hear what they said was a remarkably composed mother, just hours after her daughter was killed.
The Brooklyn district attorney wanted the video to be their last word as far as the evidence to the jury. You'll see what the jury saw when Santiago was shown a photo of her daughter after the mother was arrested for allowing the girl's stepfather to torture the girl to death.
About an hour and eight minutes into the video, Santiago is shown the first of a series of photos of her daughter, and breaks down.
Santiago broke down in the courtroom while she was also crying on the videotape. But the point the district attorney was making was, not more than a minute or so after crying, on the tape, the mother is relatively composed, even though her daughter is dead. The same point was made last week when the jury heard the 9-1-1 tape
The woman who screamed "my daughter" or "mi hija" in the background was Nixzmary's mother. But her neighbor told the jury that until she made that 9-1-1 call and right after Santiago was fairly calm, as if she was screaming only for the 9-1-1 call.
The district attorney was expected to rest their case Monday, and then it is probable that the trial will go to the jury -- by the end of the week.
There are two men and 10 women on the jury.
Prosecutor Says Video Proves Nixzaliz Santiago Became Hysterical Only For Emergency Phone Call
BROOKLYN (CBS) ― The trial of Nixzaliz Santiago, Nixzmary Brown's mother, is nearing an end. The little girl's horrible death shook up New York City's child welfare agency.
On Monday, the district attorney let jurors see and hear what they said was a remarkably composed mother, just hours after her daughter was killed.
The Brooklyn district attorney wanted the video to be their last word as far as the evidence to the jury. You'll see what the jury saw when Santiago was shown a photo of her daughter after the mother was arrested for allowing the girl's stepfather to torture the girl to death.
About an hour and eight minutes into the video, Santiago is shown the first of a series of photos of her daughter, and breaks down.
Santiago broke down in the courtroom while she was also crying on the videotape. But the point the district attorney was making was, not more than a minute or so after crying, on the tape, the mother is relatively composed, even though her daughter is dead. The same point was made last week when the jury heard the 9-1-1 tape
The woman who screamed "my daughter" or "mi hija" in the background was Nixzmary's mother. But her neighbor told the jury that until she made that 9-1-1 call and right after Santiago was fairly calm, as if she was screaming only for the 9-1-1 call.
The district attorney was expected to rest their case Monday, and then it is probable that the trial will go to the jury -- by the end of the week.
There are two men and 10 women on the jury.
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