Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Father and Sons Reunited After 10 Years

Mario Navarrete, left, laughs with his son Emilio, 15, for the first time in over a decade.

Emilio and Xavier Navarrete don't remember having a father.

He left his family -- which also included two older brothers -- in Florida for work in Indiana when Emilio, 15, was a baby. He came back, but divorce papers and burglary accusations prevented Mario Navarrete from returning to his family permanently. Ten years went by, during which scrapes with the law sent both Emilio and Xavier into foster care.
But on Sunday, Emilio and Xavier, 16, were reunited with the father they always believed abandoned them, the St. Petersburg Times reported.

Mario Navarrete was able to meet his sons thanks to caseworker Gabriela Naccarato and a federal effort to put kids with family members instead of with strangers. "My boys?" he screamed when she called. "You have my boys?" Naccarato was also able to locate older brother Gabriel, who had aged out of the foster care system.
After work on Friday, Navarrette left his home in Kentucky and drove all night, first picking up Gabriel and then to meet Emilio and Xavier.

Navarrete must pass a background check and home study in order to take the boys to Kentucky, and the mom who didn't want them is also a complication. But the boys hope to be with their dad by Christmas.

To read more, go to the St. Petersburg Times.
This story is so typical now a days.. kids getting torn apart from their families-- then led to believe the parent or parents abandoned them! Truth be told 99.9% of these parents not only want their children but are doing whatever they can to fight the system to get their children back!!!
These families suffer life long ex-fuckin-excruciating pain from being torn apart!!
The parents are suffering just as bad as these children.. these families are heart broken- and kept apart from each other by "our wonderful fuckin system" then everyone involved is expected to go through life and function!
These mother fuckers (those that separate these families) may they have something precious be torn from them- so they know the pain first hand!
Thank God there is hope that these children will now know at least the partial truth-- as I pray one day my own children will know I NEVER ABANDONED THEM- But their wonderful-fuckin-father and his political cronies kept us apart all these years and they will know I did nothing but pray daily and fight these bastards to get my babies back!

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