Saturday, May 31, 2008

Something new ...

Anyone that follows this blog knows that my passion
is the exposing truth, and debunking the lies!
It should also be obvious that I have no allies...
lies are lies no matter who tells them...
man, woman, politician, whomever.

I have worked with both men's and women's groups in the past..
and no matter what I see or hear..
I stand firm on what I believe!
Which is- Personality disorders
are the base of false allegations in
abusive relationships..
parent alienation and so on.
Contrary to many beliefs that these issues are gender specific..
I do and always will stand firm that they are NOT.

So, why am I sharing this with you, my readers?

A dear friend of mine Karlene Gorden who is another mother like myself, a survivor of domestic violence, still being emotionally abused by her ADA husband and is political connections, alienated from her precious child and falsely labeled a child abuser by child services.
Karlene is an awesome writer and shares the same passion as I do for justice within the court system, she has offered to write for this blog on a weekly basis.

I will continue to bring the readers the same content that I have always shared..

However, once a week there will be a twist..

Karlene is part of Voices of Women, and recently shared "Justice Denied" below with me.

Due to the fact that I am aware that many of my readers are from the fathers/family rights groups, I want to say a few things.
(1) Neither Karlene nor I dispute that domestic violence gender neutral.
(2) Neither Karlene nor I dispute that false allegations of either domestic violence and child abuse needs to be stopped and those that use the system as a tool must be held accountable.
(3) Both Karlene and I KNOW that children can be and are
ALIENATED from one parent or the other, or sometimes both.

Karlene also came up with an awesome idea to follow the "Justice Denied" story below.

A weekly follow up, each week a new story on another victim who's story we know personally proving that JUSTICE IS DENIED in our courts and talking about things from a first hand knowledge of the entire story.

Check back to read personal stories from New York courts where Justice has been denied.

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